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  • FAQ

Our most common questions – and answers

Link to overview here.

On the find your vehicle page you can easily find and select the cruise control for your vehicle – we have made it easy for you. Contact us should you have any questions: contact@e-cruisecontrol.com

It refers to a harness including vehicle specific connectors for the accelerator pedal. This will simplify the installation. Installations without a Plug n Play harness requires knowledge of cutting and soldering wires.

The 153xxxx is a pure analog installation, with more wires and installation points in the vehicle. All our cruise control kits are supplied with a detailed vehicle specific installation instruction.

The 160xxxx is a pure CAN bus installation. In some vehicles it may be necessary to cut and solder a few wires. All our cruise control kits are supplied with a detailed vehicle specific installation instruction.

We always recommend that professional installers handle the installation.

No, the cruise control does not affect the vehicle’s performance, computer etc. It is a so-called listen only device.

In the enclosed installation instructions, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to check the installation including a detailed trouble shooting guide.

If you are a vehicle owner you can find more detailed information here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgzdNr-Z6Ww

If you are a dealer/installer please contact contact@e-cruisecontrol.com

Lindgaard Pedersen A/S
Køgevej 46 D
4000 Roskilde

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